Creative. Entrepreneurial. Results driven. 

I'll work with your organization to build relationships, execute communications strategy and manage projects, campaigns, events and programs that have social impact. These are just a few of the companies I've worked with and key projects.


Branding, Public Programming, Communications, Digital Strategy, Media Relations, Grant Writing, Events

Branding, Public Programming, Communications, Digital Strategy, Media Relations, Grant Writing, Events

Branding, Design, Communications, Digital and Social Strategy, Public Relations                          

Branding, Design, Communications, Digital and Social Strategy, Public Relations  

External Communications, Marketing, Public Programming, Partnerships, Operations                

External Communications, Marketing, Public Programming, Partnerships, Operations   


I also like bikes, wellness, nature, urban planning and puns. And cats.


My professional life has taken me to some interesting places -- from writing shareholder updates to hosting International Pickle Day;  from traveling to Wisconsin to hang an art show to handling media from war zones in Israel; from exploring the depths of millennial engagement to studying the deepest parts of Brooklyn. Personally and professionally, I’m committed to making the world a better place  - whether it’s by adding more bike lanes in an urban setting, advocating for human and animal rights, building community through arts and culture, or just giving back. Hopefully, you are too. 

Some things I've learned.

  1. always bring an extra charger, a pen, an extra sweater and a protein bar
  2. calmness is essential - especially in crises
  3. curiosity, context, critique and community are key to success - and calendars

Interested in working together? Drop me a note. I'd love to talk.